Good morning, my visitors. Did you have some good rest?
I am considering a name change for the blog. I'm thinking "Before Sun-Up" would be appropriate. Or possibly something about untangling ideas before bed, before sun-up... I don't know yet. I'm chewing on it. 

That part of the day has slowly become my favorite. Tyson and I get up around 4:45am and he bustles around making his lunch and getting ready for work. I stumble through the kitchen getting his breakfast and trying not to bump into thing. Then we sit down to breakfast/coffee/Bible reading and I read until he's done eating and then we take turns the rest of his time that's left.
After that, he gets his boots on, I hand him his lunch and he's off.
Then the fun starts. I now have about an hour of half-light quiet where I can get any studying done that I have planned and then, maybe, maybe, hopefully draw or knit and cut leather or lay on the carpet and think of things. It's great,
I haven't been drawing very much lately, but an itch has been developing and I finally found a subject yesterday. A very fat and happy raccoon has been wandering in around dusk to see if the kids left the compost lid ajar. Tuesday we watched him climb the cherry tree and hang out in a fork about 30 feet up. He was beautiful. These pictures happened the next morning.
Also this week: London finally got the hair-cut she wanted. She has been asking for shorter hair for a couple weeks now and after being patient and consistent in her request I decided she really did mean it. She has loved it so much! It's as if this new personality was released when she shed her hair. She is so grown-up and fiery! She also loves running by the bathroom mirror to check it out, " I look like a different person..." She ran with this idea and Tuesday afternoon inhabited this disguise shown below.
It's been rainy this week, but we had a really good weekend and made the most of our Saturday afternoon by hijacking some friends and going for a hike at Robin Park and then doing some Risk playing and teepee tea-partying.

How has your spring been developing? It's been so nice and gradual this year, it's feeling like an extended season. I hope you can make some good memories in the sun!