Friday, May 31, 2013

In The Name of Sitting!

If you've been to our house I'm sure you've noticed our lack of comfortable/available chairs. Don't worry, no need to hide it. We've only bought maybe three pieces of furniture since we've been married and chairs were not one of them. So we have a few dilapitated wooden chairs, a couple of metal frame/torn vinyl seated chairs, a drum stool and a swivel office chair.
So we've been on the hunt. Kept our eyes open. And only last saturday did we finally see a set of four that were retro enough to match out red and white formica table. But we saw them! They were $75 for the set which felt steep, but we hadn't found anything else.
Our car was full of people so we said we'd come back. They were only open Thursday-Saturday and it was Saturday afternoon. We weren't worried about them being snagged.
So i went back today. A music producer from Boston had come up yesterday with a U-Haul and cleaned them out! Chairs, gone! My shoulders sagged. The owner offered to let me take a look in "The Back Room". Un-priced, dinged up, not re-painted yet Back Room. It was great. And I found the above four chairs. They're so comfortable! And sturdy, and interesting! They were $10 each! They just need to painted some really cool and bold color. ANY IDEAS?
The other chair had been spotted over a month ago at a thrift store but had a sold sign on it. It was marked $45, and then it was still there last week without the sign. I popped in today and it was still there! I offered her $35 and she said "I can do $33.75." The entire store was 25% off today.
It was my day for chairs I guess.
so the next time you come over I will offer you a chair. A good one.

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