Friday, June 14, 2013

Scarlet Turnips!

 You know those days? You know those days. When food is something that has only happened by accident. You had a great idea for breakfast but didn't, you planned a relaxed lunch but couldn't, dinner is supposed to be fresh and healthy but isn't looking like it. And the last thing you remember eating was the bottom of your daughters raisin bran, using her little spoon. You know those days and oh yes you have.
Today was not one of those days! For lunch I had this amazing avocado sandwich with just enough mayo and mustard with some delicious sorrel leaves (never had sorrel?! me neither until I got it on Tuesday... can't get enough now). And London was at her grandmother's so I sat on the front porch and did while Bible reading for the day uninterrupted. With my delicious sandwich.
 Then for dinner I tried a new food. Scarlet turnips. Got them at my CSA on Tuesday. They look like the most perfect radishes, they have a wonderful crunch and a slight spice. I looked it up and decided to give this recipe a try...
 And it was great. My photos are not as artfully arranged as hers, mostly because I put alot more cheese on mine.
 But if in your summer travels you stumble upon some Scarlet turnips give them a try and let me know what you find to do with them!

Enthusiastis Eaters

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