Friday, October 18, 2013

Ground Control, Do You Copy...

I am still here! This is my new bedroom. Above is the front wall and below is the back/inside wall with John standing in the entrance hallway that goes between the kids rooms. The double window that you see is mirrored on the other side so the room has windows on three sides. It feels a little like being in a tower...
 We have been very busy. But the sheet-rock is being finished as I type! Thank you Uncle John(see above)!!!!! We've had so much help from Tyson's family that I've been able to pretty much keep live downstairs going in a normal way (other than everything being covered in drywall dust by 8:30am). Thursday London went to my in-laws so I got to help Tyson hang sheet-rock all day. It was good to feel like I'd put some actual sweat and effort into it other than just wildly dusting every evening and feeding the workers. Don't get me wrong, I love feeding people...

 On that note I thought I was going to have some beautiful pretzel bread bowls to share with you today, but alas, you can't believe every recipe that you find only. I'll have to try another one and let you know how it goes...

 The alcove shape is caused by the brick gable ends. We couldn't take them down because the garage and porch roofs anchor into them so we had them boxed out and then the wall extends full height just behind it. I'm really liking the texture that it adds to the spaces.
 Supervisor supervising

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