Tuesday, April 26, 2016

beauty among the brown

Does discontent lead to wanderlust, or does wanderlust lead to discontent? 
Either way, I've had a bad case of both this spring A few f our friends and family have gone on some major trips, or relocated. Watching them go through the excitement of change gets my imagination working over-time. I've lived in the same place for almost 10 years (not because of a lack of effort on my part) and there are just so many other places to be!
 But I do live in a beautiful place, so the other night when I went for a walk I grabbed my camera and made an effort to find the beauty around me and enjoy where I am. If I had moved here from somewhere else there would be plenty of things to be excited about. These pictures are all from within 5 feet of the road, and it took me about 25 minutes to find them. 
 While I was shooting them it struck me that with such a brown backdrop the fresh little shoots really glow with their colors, and their sharp miniature shapes stand out a little clearer.

I like the thought that these signs probably had a very inhospitable message on them at one point. And there's no trace of it left.


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